Ollie DeVoid is a late-night writer of strange tales, an architect of worlds unknown.

and they want to share with you.

One of my earliest memories is writing, by pen-pal exchange, a story with my aunt. At maybe six years old, I wrote and drew pictures about a story of a little girl falling through a hole in her fence and into a world of strange magic. The bug bit, and I continued telling stories all through elementary school, and finished my first 20,000 word novella in seventh grade (it was bad). Over time, I realized more about what I liked to read, and that shaped what I liked to write, and paint, and play. I’ve always been fascinated by just how many mediums there are for telling a tale, and I want to at least dip my brush into all of them before I die. To this day, I couldn’t say exactly when I started telling stories, but I promise I’ll never stop.

The Protagonist, by Ollie DeVoid, circa age 9.


I write to make people laugh, and cry, and think hard about the people sitting next to them on the bus. I love fantastical settings with a very human heart.

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There’s something really powerful about telling stories about the people of our reality, through the lens of others. Genre fiction is a great tool for stepping back and looking at core truths about our whole species from a surprising, unique angle. We’ve told stories for as long as we’ve had the words to do it. I hope to build off the great storytellers before me, and create something special and new.

Explore Strange, Wonderful Worlds with me.